Wheat, corn, soybeans and soyoil futures all fell in Chicago last week, while soymeal futures rose. In Paris, wheat, corn and rapeseed futures were also down sharply.
Wheat, corn, soybean and soyoil futures rose in Chicago last week, while soymeal futures fell. In Paris, wheat and rapeseed futures rose. Corn futures of the current crop fell and futures of the new corn crop increased.
Chicago wheat, corn, soybean, soymeal and soyoil futures all decreased sharplyover the past week. In Paris, wheat and corn futures also fell significantly, and rapeseed futures collapsed.
Over the previous week, wheat, soybean and soymeal futures of the current crops in Chicago rose, and futures of the new crops fell. Current corn crop futures rose significantly, and new crop futures increased minimally. Soyoil futures fell. In Paris, wheat futures fell minimally, corn futures decreased sharply and rapeseed futures collapsed.
Over the previous week , Chicago wheat, corn, soybean and soyoil futures were all down modestly, while soymeal futures were down significantly. In Paris, wheat, corn and rapeseed futures fell significantly.
Chicago wheat and corn futures were up last week, while soybean, soymeal and soyoil futures rose sharply. In Paris, wheat and corn futures rose moderately, and rapeseed futures increased significantly.
Over the past week, wheat futures in Chicago fell significantly, corn futures rose minimally, and soybean, soymeal and soyoil futures rose sharply. In Paris, wheat, corn and rapeseed futures fell significantly.
Over the past week, wheat futures in Chicago rose significantly, corn futures increased modestly, soybean and soymeal futures were down significantly, and soyoil futures were up marginally. In Paris, wheat and corn futures rose moderately, while rapeseed futures decreased.
Over the previous week, wheat, corn and soyoil futures were all down significantly in Chicago. CBOT soybean futures were down modestly and soymeal futures rose moderately. In Paris, wheat, corn and rapeseed futures fell significantly.