
Baza de date curentă – Abonament
5 zile - € 06 luni - € 40 / luna12 luni - € 30 / luna

Inregistrare / Abonament

Weekly Analysis 25.10.2021 - 31.10.2021

CBOT SRW wheat and soybean futures prices have risen moderately over the past week and Chicago corn futures prices have risen sharply. In Paris, wheat and rapeseed futures prices increased moderately, while corn futures prices fell minimally.

Weekly Analysis 18.10.2021 - 24.10.2021

Over the past week, CBOT SRW wheat and corn futures prices have risen moderately and soybean futures prices have risen minimally. In Paris, wheat, corn and rapeseed futures prices have increased sharply.

Weekly Analysis 11.10.2021 - 17.10.2021

Over the past week, wheat futures prices in Chicago have remained stable, corn futures prices have fallen minimally and soybean prices have fallen moderately. In Paris, wheat and rapeseed futures prices rose and corn futures prices decreased.

Weekly Analysis 04.10.2021 - 10.10.2021

Over the previous week, CBOT SRW wheat and soybean futures prices have dropped significantly. Chicago corn futures prices fell moderately. In Paris, wheat futures prices have risen moderately. Corn and rapeseed futures prices skyrocketed.

Weekly Analysis 27.09.2021 - 03.10.2021

Over the previous week, CBOT SRW wheat futures prices have risen sharply, followed by corn futures prices. Chicago soybean futures prices have fallen sharply. In Paris, wheat, corn and rapeseed futures prices have increased significantly.

Weekly Analysis 20.09.2021 - 26.09.2021

Over the previous week, wheat and soybean futures prices have risen and corn futures prices have fallen minimally. In Paris, rapeseed and wheat futures prices rose sharply and corn futures prices increased steadily.

Weekly Analysis 06.09.2021 - 12.09.2021

Over the previous week, CBOT SRW wheat futures prices have plummeted. Chicago corn and soybean futures prices have fallen moderately. In Paris, wheat and corn futures prices dropped sharply and rapeseed futures prices decreased slightly.

Weekly Analysis 30.08.2021 - 05.09.2021

Over the past week, CBOT SRW wheat futures prices have fallen minimally and Chicago corn and soybean futures prices have fallen significantly. In Paris, wheat and rapeseed futures prices decreased, while corn futures prices remained stable.

Weekly Analysis 23.08.2021 - 29.08.2021

Over the previous week, CBOT SRW wheat and corn futures prices have risen and soybean futures prices have increased sharply. In Paris, wheat futures prices rose minimally, corn futures prices rose moderately and rapeseed futures prices rose sharply.