
Baza de date curentă – Abonament
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Inregistrare / Abonament

Grain Highlights 10.05.2023

According to Conab data, as of 05/06/2023, the harvesting campaign of the first corn crop in Brazil has been completed on 68% of the areas (+4% for the week and 76% a year earlier).

Grain Highlights 07.05.2023

According to Rusagrotrans data, 4.4 million tons of wheat were exported from Russia in April (4.74 in the previous estimate).

Grain Highlights 04.05.2023

Refinitiv Commodities Research has raised its forecast for the 2023/24 corn production in the United States by 2 million tons to 377 million tons (+28.2 million tons compared to 2022/23).

Grain Highlights 03.05.2023

As of April 1, 2023, wheat stocks in Russia reached 27.6 million tons (+79% compared to the average level for the last five years), which is a record for this time of the season.

Grain Highlights 01.05.2023

The European Commission has agreed on the cancellation of national restrictions on the import of wheat, corn, rapeseed and sunseed with Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria. Farmers in these countires will be provided a second aid in the amount of 100 million euros.

Grain Highlights 30.04.2023

As of 04/24/2023, according to FranceAgriMer data, 44% of the planned corn areas in France have been sown (+24% for the week and 56% a year earlier).

Grain Highlights 27.04.2023

According to the forecast of APC - Inform, the sunseed production in Ukraine will reach 12.78 million tons in 2023 (+15% compared to 2022). Sunseed exports are projected to reach 1.4 million tons (-39%).