
Grain Highlights 25.01.2024

According to SovEcon's forecast , the wheat production in Russia is expected to reach 92.2 million tons in 2024, which is 0.9 million tons more than the previous estimate.

Grain Highlights 24.01.2024

According to Conab data as of January 20, 2024, in Brazil, 5% of the planned areas for the second corn crop have been planted (+4% for the week).

Grain Highlights 23.01.2024

During the period from January 1 to January 21, grain exports from Russia reached 2.6 million tons, representing a decrease of 24.5% compared to the previous year.

Grain Highlights 22.01.2024

The European Commission has allowed Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, and Slovakia to limit the import of agricultural products from Ukraine to stabilize their domestic markets.

Grain Highlights 21.01.2024

According to data from the Statistical Service of China, the country received 27.13 million tons of corn in 2023, which is 31.6% more than in 2022.

Grain Highlights 18.01.2024

According to Strategie Grains' forecast, the soft wheat production in the EU for the 2024/25 season is expected to reach 124.8 million tons. This is 2.1 million tons less than the December estimate but 1.1 million tons more than the production in 2022/23.

Grain Highlights 17.01.2024

On January 16, 2024, Algeria purchased 900,000 tons of milling wheat from Russia, Romania, France, Italy, and Bulgaria through Buildcom.

Grain Highlights 16.01.2024

During the period of January 1-15, Russia exported 1.7 million tons of grain, including 1.433 million tons of wheat, 171,300 tons of corn, and 95,000 tons of barley.

Grain Highlights 15.01.2024

According to the forecast of the Association of Soybean and Corn Producers in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso, the soybean production in the 2023/24 season is expected to reach 35.8 million tons (compared to 45.6 million tons in 2022/23).

Grain Highlights 12.01.2024

Patria Agronegocios is reducing its forecast for the soybean production in Brazil for 2023/24 by 7.5 million tons to 143.2 million tons (down by 11.4% compared to 2022/23).