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Inregistrare / Abonament

Grain Highlights 19.05.2022

SovEcon has raised its forecast for the wheat production in Russia in 2022/23 to 88.6 million tons (+1.2 compared to the previous estimate and 76 in 2021/22) given the excellent condition of crops.

Grain Highlights 18.05.2022

According to ICAR's forecast, the grain production in Russia will be 130.5 million tons in 2022, including a wheat production of 85 million tons (+9 compared to 2021/22).

Grain Highlights 17.05.2022

As of 15.05.2022, 49% of the planned areas for corn have been sown in the United States (78% a year earlier and 67% on average for the last five years).

Grain Highlights 12.05.2022

In 2022/23, the wheat production in Argentina will reach 19 million tons, according to estimates by the Rosario Grain Exchange.

Grain Highlights 06.05.2022

According to the forecast of the Russian Grains Union, the wheat production in the country will be 87 million tons in 2022, which is above the current record of 86 million tons set back in 2017.