
Baza de date curentă – Abonament
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Inregistrare / Abonament

Grain Highlights 20.06.2022

Over the months of March-May, 1.06 million tons of Russian wheat were delivered to Egypt, which is 84% more than the previous year.

Grain Highlights 16.06.2022

The export of cereals and oilseeds from Russia is facing a serious shortage of vessels due to the refusal of many companies to accept Russian orders.

Grain Highlights 15.06.2022

In the new season, Asian consumers will increase purchases of wheat from France and Romania given the lack of supplies from Ukraine.

Grain Highlights 14.06.2022

Over the period of 01.07.2021 - 14.06.2022, 42.6 million tons of grain were exported from Russia, including 35.6 million tons of wheat according to the Russian Grain Union.

Grain Highlights 10.06.2022

Rusagrotrans has lowered its forecast for the wheat production in Russia in 2022/23 by 0.3 million tons to 85.7 million tons due to the dry weather in the southern parts of the country.

Grain Highlights 09.06.2022

The Rosario Grain Exchange has lowered its forecast for the wheat production in Argentina in 2021/22 to 18.5 million tons (19 million tons in the previous estimate).

Grain Highlights 07.06.2022

The Odessa region of Ukraine is affected by severe drought. If it does not rain soon, the yields will decrease to 2 - 2.5 tons/hectare compared to over 4 tons/hectare in 2021/22.