On July 18, soybean and soyoil futures in Chicago increased, while wheat, corn, and soymeal futures decreased. In Paris, wheat and corn futures predominantly moved downward, while rapeseed futures increased.
Yesterday, wheat futures in Chicago declined, but corn, soybean, soymeal, and soyoil futures increased. In Paris, wheat, corn, and rapeseed futures all increased.
Yesterday, wheat, corn, soybeans, soymeal, and soyoil futures in Chicago, as well as wheat, corn, and rapeseed futures in Paris, all experienced significant declines.
Last week, wheat, soybean, and soymeal futures in Chicago saw significant declines, while corn and soyoil futures experienced moderate drops. In Paris, wheat futures fell, corn futures rose slightly, and rapeseed futures plummeted.
Yesterday, wheat, corn, soybean, soymeal, and soyoil futures in Chicago increased. In Paris, wheat and corn futures rose, while rapeseed futures declined.
Yesterday, wheat, soybean, soymeal, and soyoil futures in Chicago declined, while corn futures increased. In Paris, wheat and rapeseed futures declined, the August corn contract rose, but the subsequent contracts declined.
Yesterday, wheat and corn futures in Chicago rose slightly, while soybean, soymeal, and soyoil futures declined. In Paris, wheat and corn futures rose moderately, while rapeseed futures fell.
Over the past week, wheat, soybean, soymeal, and soyoil futures in Chicago rose moderately, while corn futures rose minimally. In Paris, wheat and corn futures increased moderately, and rapeseed futures rose significantly.
Yesterday, the Chicago exchange was closed due to a holiday in the United States. In Paris, wheat and corn futures rose, while rapeseed futures fluctuated slightly in both directions.