During the past week, wheat futures in Chicago increased minimally, corn futures increased moderately, soybean and soymeal futures increased significantly, while soyoil futures decreased. In Paris, the September wheat contract decreased minimally, while the following ones increased. The current corn crop prices decreased, but the price of the new corn crop increased, and rapeseed futures rose significantly.
Yesterday, wheat, corn, soybean, and soymeal futures rose in Chicago, while soyoil futures dipped minimally. In Paris, wheat and rapeseed futures increased, current corn crop price declined, while new corn crop price increased.
Yesterday, wheat and soymeal futures prices in Chicago fell, while corn, soybean, and soyoil futures rose. The commodity exchange in Paris was not operational.
Yesterday, wheat, corn, and soyoil futures in Chicago declined, while soybean and soymeal futures rose. In Paris, wheat and corn futures declined, while rapeseed futures rose.
During the past week, wheat futures in Chicago skyrocketed, while corn, soybean, soymeal, and soyoil futures increased moderately. In Paris, wheat futures also reached for the stars alongside Chicago wheat, with corn and rapeseed futures seeing moderate increases as well.
Yesterday, wheat, corn, and soyoil futures rose in Chicago, while soybean futures moved in different directions with minimal changes, and soymeal futures declined. In Paris, wheat futures rose, while corn and rapeseed futures fell.
Yesterday, wheat and soymeal futures in Chicago rose, soybean futures moved in different directions, while corn and soyoil futures declined. In Paris, wheat and corn futures rose, while rapeseed futures fell.
Yesterday wheat futures in Chicago declined, but corn, soybean, soymeal, and soyoil futures increased. In Paris, the September wheat contract remained unchanged, but the subsequent ones decreased, the nearby corn contracts decreased, but those for the next year increased, and rapeseed futures decreased.