During the past week, wheat futures increased in Chicago, while corn, soybean, soymeal, and soyoil futures decreased. In Paris, wheat futures rose, the March corn contract declined, but the following ones increased, while rapeseed futures experienced a significant decrease.
Yesterday, the March wheat contract in Chicago remained unchanged, but all subsequent wheat contracts, as well as all corn, soybean, soymeal, and soyoil contracts, decreased. In Paris, wheat and corn futures increased, while rapeseed futures decreased.
Yesterday, wheat futures in Chicago experienced minimal increases, while corn, soybean, soymeal, and soyoil futures declined. In Paris, wheat, corn, and rapeseed futures also saw decreases.
Yesterday, wheat, corn, soybean, and soymeal futures rose in Chicago, while soyoil futures decreased. In Paris, wheat and corn futures increased, while rapeseed futures moved in different directions.
During the week, wheat futures in Chicago collapsed, while corn, soybean, soymeal, and soyoil futures declined. In Paris, both wheat and corn futures experienced significant decreases, while rapeseed futures increased.
Yesterday, wheat, corn, soybean, soymeal, and soyoil futures in Chicago, as well as wheat, corn, and rapeseed futures in Paris, all declined together and without exception for the second consecutive day.
Yesterday, wheat, corn, soybean, soymeal, and soyoil futures in Chicago, as well as wheat, corn, and rapeseed futures in Paris, all experienced declines.
Yesterday, the March wheat contract in Chicago remained unchanged, while the subsequent contracts declined. Corn and soyoil futures increased, while soybean and soymeal futures decreased. In Paris, the March wheat contract increased, but the subsequent contracts declined. Corn futures decreased, while rapeseed futures increased.
Yesterday, wheat futures in Chicago moved in different directions, but with very small changes. Corn, soybean, and soymeal futures increased, while soyoil futures decreased. In Paris, wheat and corn futures declined, while rapeseed futures increased.