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Inregistrare / Abonament

Grain Highlights 22.02.2022

According to Conab, as of 19.02.2022, the sowing campaign of the second corn crop in Brazil was carried out on 46% of the planned areas (+11% for the week and 20% a year earlier).

Grain Highlights 21.02.2022

According to the forecast of Oil World, the world's soybean stocks will reach 83.2 million tons in 2021/22 (the lowest level for the last 6 years), which will be 16 million tons below the previous season.

Grain Highlights 18.02.2022

According to market data, Indian importers have bought a record 100,000 tons of soyoil from the United States given the limited supply from South America and high palm oil prices.

Grain Highlights 17.02.2022

According to Chinese analysts, China could reduce domestic consumption of soybeans by about 30 million tons by further reducing its consumption in feed.

Grain Highlights 16.02.2022

Local analysts from Brazil lowered their forecast for the soybean production in the country by 6 million tons to 124 million tons.

Grain Highlights 15.02.2022

SovEcon has raised its forecast for the wheat production in Russia in 2022 by 3.55 million tons to a total of 84.8 million tons.

Grain Highlights 14.02.2022

The record feed wheat productions in Australia and India will compensate for the reduction in the supply of corn from South America to Asian countries.

Grain Highlights 11.02.2022

Conab has lowered its forecast for the soybean production in Brazil in 2021/22 by 15 million tons compared to the previous estimate (140.7) to 125.4 million tons.

Grain Highlights 10.02.2022

CNGOIC forecasts soybean imports in China in 2021/22 of 100 million tons, which is 1 million tons below the previous estimate (99.8 in 2020/21).

Grain Highlights 09.02.2022

According to the Statistical Office of Canada, as of 31.12.2021, the stocks of cereals and oilseeds in the country were 46.67 million tons (-20.8 compared to the previous year).