Grain Highlights 23.07.2024

In 2024/25, the import of rapeseed/canola from third countries into the EU will be 5.7 million tons (7.5 in 2023/24).

- According to a forecast by IKAR, Russia's soybean production in 2024 will reach a record 7.4 million tons, with exports of 0.9 million tons. In 2023, the production was 6.8 million tons with exports of 1 million tons. The ending stocks of soybeans in Russia will reach 0.4 million tons (0.299 previously). Processing will exceed 6.4 million tons.

- In 2024/25, the import of rapeseed/canola from third countries into the EU will be 5.7 million tons (7.5 in 2023/24). The main suppliers will be Ukraine with 3.2 million tons (+3.2%) and Australia with 1.9 million tons (-43%). They are followed by Moldova with 250,000 tons and Canada with 100,000 tons. UFOP forecasts a global rapeseed production of 87.2 million tons in 2024/25 (-2% compared to the previous season).

- According to USDA data as of 21.07.2024, 67% of corn crops in the United States are in good to excellent condition (68% a week earlier and 57% a year earlier), the highest figure since 2020. The harvesting campaign of winter wheat has been completed on 78% of the areas (+5% for the week, 65% a year earlier, and 72% on average over the past five years). Of spring wheat, 77% of the crops are in good to excellent condition (77% and 49%).

- According to an Oil World forecast, soybean imports in China will be 107 million tons in 2023/24 (103.1 in 2022/23 and 90.8 in 2021/22). From September to June, deliveries amounted to 87 million tons, a record achievement (84 in the previous season). Soyoil consumption in China is active against the backdrop of reduced use of sunseed oil and palm oil.

- According to an Oil World forecast, in 2024/25 global soymeal production will increase by 1.7 million tons compared to the previous estimate, reaching a record 269 million tons (+10.8 compared to 2023/24).

- In 2023/24, wheat imports to Egypt reached 12.2 million tons (imports by GASC and private companies). Deliveries from Russia alone amounted to 8.7 million tons (71% share). For 2024/25, 2.11 million tons of wheat have already been purchased by GASC alone, including 0.9 million tons from Russia (43%).

- According to local operators, drought in Morocco will reduce the soft wheat production to 3.12 million tons (5.51 in 2023). Wheat imports in 2024 will be 7.5 million tons (+19%). From January to June, deliveries amounted to 2.5 million tons.