Grain Highlights 13.09.2024

In August, Ukraine's sunseed oil exports amounted to 199,100 tons, the lowest figure since the spring of 2022.

- During the week starting on September 18, 2024, the export tax on Russian wheat will be 956.9 rubles per ton (compared to 906.4 rubles a week earlier), the export tax on corn will be 446.3 rubles per ton (down from 502.7 rubles), while the duty on barley remains at zero.

- As of September 12, 2024, Ukraine harvested 7.222 million hectares of grain crops (6.763 million hectares a year earlier), which represents 65% of the total area. The harvested grain amounts to 30.085 million tons, with an average yield of 4.17 tons/hectare (compared to 4.36 tons/hectare last year). Corn has been harvested on 6% of the planted areas, with 255,300 tons of grain collected and an average yield of 4.32 tons/hectare. Sunseed has been harvested on 30% of the areas, yielding 2.975 million tons of sunseed with an average yield of 1.98 tons/hectare. Rapeseed has been fully harvested, with a total of 3.415 million tons collected at a yield of 2.7 tons/hectare. Soybeans have been harvested on 34% of the areas, producing 1.845 million tons with an average yield of 2.03 tons/hectare.

- In August, Ukraine's sunseed oil exports amounted to 199,100 tons, the lowest figure since the spring of 2022. Only in 2013 did monthly exports fall below 200,000 tons, excluding March–April 2022. The EU is currently experiencing an increased supply of rapeseed oil, which is primarily used for biodiesel production. However, drought in Ukraine has reduced the sunseed production, and over the next 12 months, the country will be unable to increase oil supplies, meaning that prices in the segment are expected to rise until the next production.

- Between July 1 and September 13, 2024, Ukraine exported 8.596 million tons of grain (compared to 5.37 million tons the year before), including 1.127 million tons in September (up from 0.783 million tons). Wheat exports amounted to 4.678 million tons (2.502 million tons), barley exports reached 1.165 million tons (0.542 million tons), and corn exports reached 2.498 million tons (2.311 million tons).

- As of September 1, 2024, Kazakhstan’s grain stocks stood at 8.21 million tons (compared to 8.4 million tons a year earlier), including 6.21 million tons of wheat (6.52 million tons) and 1.36 million tons of barley (1.39 million tons).

- The United Kingdom is expecting its lowest crop yields across all grains in 2024 due to prolonged rainfall. Since records began in 1983, such low yields have not been registered. Additionally, the quality of the grain is poor.

- According to a forecast from the U.S. National Weather Service, there is a 71% chance of La Niña developing between September and November. From January to March 2025, La Niña is expected to reduce rainfall in the Northern Hemisphere. Although the phenomenon will be mild, it will reduce crop yields in Argentina, Uruguay, and southeastern Brazil during the summer. Central regions of Brazil, however, will experience heavy rainfall in the last quarter of 2024.

- According to the USDA forecast, US soymeal exports in 2024/25 will reach a record of nearly 16 million tons. High availability and competitive prices are driving exports. As of August 29, 2024, export sales of soymeal for the 2024/25 production reached a ten-year high.

- According to the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange, drought in the western regions of Argentina will damage wheat crops. In many areas, temperatures are critically low. As of September 12, 2024, 8.3% of the planned sunseed areas (totaling 1.85 million hectares) has been sown, with planting progressing only in areas with sufficient moisture. Wheat planting is fully completed. Of the total planted areas, 47% is in good or excellent condition (compared to 23% last year), 35% in satisfactory condition (55%), and 20% in poor or very poor condition (22%). Over the past month, significant rainfall has fallen in the wheat belt.

- In July, Australia’s barley exports amounted to 311,190 tons (down from 418,000 tons in June). The decline is due to a drop in exports to China, which totaled 287,140 tons (-54%).

- In the Brazilian state of Paraná, 29% of the planned first corn crop areas have been sown (+11% over the week), according to data from Deral. Due to good rainfall, 94% of the crops are in good or excellent condition (compared to 97% last year), while 6% are in satisfactory condition (3%). It is projected that the state’s corn planting areas will be 267,700 hectares (-10% compared to 2022/23), with a production of 2.7 million tons (+6%) and a yield of 10.1 tons/hectare.

- Jordan has canceled a tender for the purchase of 120,000 tons of milling wheat of any origin. The next tender will be held on September 19, 2024.