Grain Highlights 08.08.2023

During the period of August 1 – 7, Russia exported 871,000 tons of grain (-43% compared to last year), including 735,000 tons of wheat (-42%), 88,500 tons of barley (-63%), and 16,500 tons of corn (23,200).

During the period of August 1 – 7, Russia exported 871,000 tons of grain (-43% compared to last year), including 735,000 tons of wheat (-42%), 88,500 tons of barley (-63%), and 16,500 tons of corn (23,200). The largest buyers of wheat were Turkey with 125,000 tons, Saudi Arabia with 66,000 tons, followed by Algeria, Bangladesh, Mexico, Venezuela, and Brazil.

According to the forecast by the Ministry of Agriculture in Hungary, the wheat production in the country in 2023 will be 5.6 million tons, with 94% of the areas already harvested at an average yield of 5.6 tons per hectare. In 2022, the production was 4.2 million tons with an average yield of 4.4 tons per hectare.

AgRural has raised its forecast for Brazil's corn production for 2022/23 by 3.1 million tons to 135.4 million tons, including a second corn production of 105.6 million tons (+2.7). As of August 3, 2023, 64% of the second corn crop areas have been harvested (+9% for the week and 80% ahead of last year).

According to data from China's statistics, the country imported 9.73 million tons of soybeans in July (+23.5% compared to last year), and a total of 62.3 million tons since the beginning of the year (+15%). The pig herd in the country has grown by 1.1% during the first half of the year.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in June, Australia exported 2.57 million tons of wheat (+22% compared to July - 3.3 million tons). From the beginning of the season (October - June), Australia has exported 25.45 million tons of wheat (+22%). The biggest customers for the products were China with 5.9 million tons, Indonesia with 3.3 million tons, the Philippines with 2.1 million tons, South Korea with 2.2 million tons, Thailand with 1.6 million tons, and Vietnam with 1.8 million tons. Additionally, 193,060 tons of durum wheat were exported, including 59,000 tons to Vietnam, 32,700 tons to Turkey, and 31,500 tons to Spain.

The Egyptian state company GASC conducted a tender to purchase 5,000 tons of refined, bottled sunseed oil to be delivered between October and December.