Grain Highlights 20.07.2024

On July 18, 2024, the Egyptian state company GACS purchased 20,000 tons of sunseed oil at a price of 1,013.99 USD/ton with delivery from September 1 to 15.

- During the period from May 1 to May 19, Ukraine exported 2.257 million tons of grain (compared to 1.432 million tons a year earlier), including 872,000 tons of wheat (451,000 tons a year earlier), 276,000 tons of barley (161,000 tons a year earlier), and 1.099 million tons of corn (818,000 tons a year earlier).

- As of July 18, 2024, Ukraine harvested 2.63 million hectares of wheat, yielding 10.34 million tons of grain with an average yield of 3.94 tons per hectare; 824,200 hectares of barley, yielding 3.08 million tons with an average yield of 3.74 tons per hectare. The total harvested grain is 13.8 million tons from 3.624 million hectares with an average yield of 3.81 tons per hectare. Canola was harvested on 779,100 hectares, yielding 1.833 million tons with an average yield of 2.25 tons per hectare, and soybeans were harvested on 150 hectares, yielding 290 tons with an average yield of 1.93 tons per hectare.

- Over the past week, 52% of the winter soft wheat crops were in good to excellent condition in France (compared to 57% a week earlier and 80% a year earlier), as well as 60% of winter durum wheat crops (62% and 67% respectively), 53% of winter barley crops (55% and 80% respectively), and 81% of corn crops (83% and 82% respectively), according to FranceAgriMer.

- On July 18, 2024, Egypt's state company GACS purchased 20,000 tons of sunseed oil at a price of USD 1,013.99 per ton with delivery between September 1 and 15. There were plans to purchase 30,000 tons of soyoil and 10,000 tons of sunseed oil. At the tender, 7 companies - Green Suppliers, Posco, Aston agro, LDC, Inerco trade, Mahsul trading, Inter grain - offered prices for soyoil between USD 1,066 and 1,086 per ton and for sunseed oil between USD 1,054 and 1,163 per ton. Additionally, a tender was held for the purchase of 28,000 tons of soyoil from the domestic market at a price of 954.25 USD/ton.

- In its July report, the International Grains Council (IGC) predicts a record global grain production in 2024/25 of 2.321 billion tons, an increase of 1% from 2023/24. The outlook has improved for wheat productions in North America, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, and also the corn production in the United States. The wheat production is expected to reach 801 million tons, including 54.7 million tons in the United States (51 million tons a year earlier), 35.8 million tons in Canada (34.6 million), 15 million tons in Kazakhstan (13 million), and 31.4 million tons from Pakistan (29 million). Despite these increases, the stocks are only up by 4 million tons compared to the previous estimate, totaling 586 million tons, which is 3 million tons below the 2023/24 level and the lowest in the last ten years. Consumption is also expected to reach a record high. Global trade is projected to decrease by 7% to 418 million tons.

- In its July report, the IGC left the grain production forecast in Russia for 2024/25 unchanged at 121.7 million tons. The grain export from Russia is expected to reach 53.4 million tons (67.4 million tons a year earlier). The wheat production is expected to reach 81.8 million tons with an export of 43.3 million tons. In 2023/24, Russia exported a record 55.3 million tons of wheat, which was 26.1% of global exports, compared to an estimate of 55.1 million tons in June and an increase of 15% from 2022/23. Following Russia, the EU is projected to export 35.3 million tons (+0.7 compared to 2022/23), and Canada 25 million tons (-3%).